Monday, October 10, 2011

constantly haunting.

its constantly haunting
how you keep me wanting
the smell of you still lingers
i feel the tips of your fingers
you're dancing in my head
and we're dancing in my bed
can we take this to the street
drowning out our hearts beat
watch my feet and follow
between the trees and the hollow
we are both safe here
whispering what we want in our ears
can you feel my hand in yours
the feelings rush in and pour
i feel your breath on my chest
and your breasts behind the dress
lit by only moonlight
i can only see your eyes
and feel the supple in your lips
as we press together to kiss
everything has come to a stand still
and i have lost all my will
i seem to be dancing with a ghost
you're disappearing and i'm the host
thinning away like water
the burn you left is getting hotter
and now i'm just left with this scar
i'm in the passenger seat of your car
the radio is still on
everything feels so wrong
why does it have to be this way
i'm not feeling wanted enough to stay
i'll just head down this dim lit road
with no where in mind to go
drenched in pain
being washed away by the rain
zip up my jacket with my fingers
the smell of you still lingers
its constantly haunting
how you keep me wanting.


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