Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lumber Jack, my new life. Just a glimpse P.II

Here are some more photos of my life so far. I'm starting to get used to the easy lifestyle and not ragin every other day.....its good for me and keeps me grounded. Everyday I find a new trail and see new wildlife and plants. Its really beautiful, its insane to think before cities and towns, this country (or any country for that matter), used to be untamed and wild. Living out here makes me appreciate animals more, what they have to go thru to survive with no technology, weapons, housing, etc. I live here with the bare minimum. Makes me realize, we really don't need all these material things. Over the years, I have gotten rid of more and more things, this just hit the nail on the head. makes me wanna move into a studio apartment when I get back to the city. More money, more problems, more space, more shit to stuff it with. I think when hunting season comes, I'm gonna hunt a deer, be a man, and eat it. Like our ancestors did.

Enjoy some of these photos...as always...more coming!

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