Saturday, December 24, 2011

for you.

as the years have gone past
i cant help but think of you
just the simplest thought 
brings a smile of truth

down in the deepest 
crevice of my heart 
there is my blood
while we are apart

i feel paralyzed
and cannot move
with out you on my side
my days are doomed

i've waiting for so long
to hear your voice
to lure me in your heart
and i have no choice

your eyes are an ocean
your breath is my breeze
your heart is my star
as i sail your seas

i've been away 
for way too long
if i wait any longer
it will be all wrong

without you in my life
my days are nights
its settling deeper
with stronger fights

i wonder how you've been
and is everything okay
i would love listen
and hear what you have to say

i imagine you
at your best
with a lot of love
behind your chest

i want to be your vehicle
and tour your shores
take in everything
and be back for more

just from your touch
i know everything will be okay
i trust in every word
and cherish what you say

my heart is just for you
that will never change
beneath it all
i still wait.


Monday, December 12, 2011


mystery is here
it has taken place
with the swiftest of gentlemen
the eyes on the stakes
no time for error
cover up your mistakes
with only one clue
your blurry face

unable to move
not even the slightest of tongue
it is dark here
with gloomy skies above
the pale of your skin
hasn't seen the sun enough
resting on your shoulder
your bones could cut

the hound dogs howl
into the empty forest
with not one sound
except the hound dogs chorus.

Monday, October 10, 2011

constantly haunting.

its constantly haunting
how you keep me wanting
the smell of you still lingers
i feel the tips of your fingers
you're dancing in my head
and we're dancing in my bed
can we take this to the street
drowning out our hearts beat
watch my feet and follow
between the trees and the hollow
we are both safe here
whispering what we want in our ears
can you feel my hand in yours
the feelings rush in and pour
i feel your breath on my chest
and your breasts behind the dress
lit by only moonlight
i can only see your eyes
and feel the supple in your lips
as we press together to kiss
everything has come to a stand still
and i have lost all my will
i seem to be dancing with a ghost
you're disappearing and i'm the host
thinning away like water
the burn you left is getting hotter
and now i'm just left with this scar
i'm in the passenger seat of your car
the radio is still on
everything feels so wrong
why does it have to be this way
i'm not feeling wanted enough to stay
i'll just head down this dim lit road
with no where in mind to go
drenched in pain
being washed away by the rain
zip up my jacket with my fingers
the smell of you still lingers
its constantly haunting
how you keep me wanting.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

her pose

i want to cap our times
put them in a jar
and never see your lips again
putting any thought of you in the dark
you say its different now
as you push away
the site of you makes for difficult
just the way you move
has me running for the hills
baracading myself in
and swimming in pills
just the way you talk
has me up with no sleep
back and forth
tearing up all the sheets.

its you. look away.

-N. Bryant

no more nagrom

she doesnt mind
cause i'm doing the kroke 
like it aint no joke
stuck on escalator 
with roller skates
and no brakes
she just smiles
and destroys life
hand me the knife
this needs to stop
at all costs
with no cops
there is tons on
this brittle plate
ready to crack n break
why cant we go
back to being kids
who didnt know fists
but no, you need this
addicted to this scene
by any means
your face is red
the doors are slammed
relationship is jammed
what more do you want
i'm already on the knees
until they bleed
on the phone
as you scream
who is she (jealousy)
with your vacant stare 
no color in your eyes
you cant even cry
i will always wonder
who the fuck are you
black hair in a marni suit
never knowing what you want
arguing for nothing
with all your huffing and puffing
always wanting your way
never budging an inch
the definition of a bitch
always off
with a stiff upper lip
show me the cliff
cause if this is it
i want out now
before i'm not aloud
to leave at your discretion 
and i'm fenced in
in your never ending trap
with no hopes of escape
and nothing on this brittle plate
saying eeewwwwwww
i really hope i find a knife
to end my painful life.

you think i write this for no reason
you're the main reason why my keyboard is speakin
you think i'm fuckin freakin
bitch, this is the truth and its wreakin.


maybe i have sensed something wrong
when i should of been feeling something better
headed down the vacant road, no lights on
the warmth of you is gone, i just have this sweater
i never saw this coming, it just hit strong

i'm left with just these images
stuck on replay all day in my head
nothing is true of you
until we are both in bed

maybe i should have had a better guard
i even let you tour my deepest thoughts
through my whole body and into my heart
now i must repair at the highest of costs
taking down your bridge was the easiest part.

-N. Bryant

los angeles

chad fernandez

Saturday, October 8, 2011


your veins hang
from a bicycle chain
never the same 
fingers to blame 
oh i was there
i saw the mess in your hair
down the stairs
with no care
apathy would follow
into your dark hollow
shallow shell
sounds of a broken bell
closing the gates of hell
on your knees you fell
with a smirk of oh well
stockings torn
body twisted in your form
resembling a bulls horn
and beat like a porn
deep as a paper plate
no love, just hate
jealousy in weight
climbing at higher rate
well fuck you
well fuck you
well fuck you
we'll fuck you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

you're fired.

you forgot to give some information and
i didn't know you were depressed and self-medicating and
i know, i cant see you anymore 
i know, i wanna see my feet out your door
my eyes are dried and they cant cry
i gave you the best years of my life
one thing that i know is for sure
is you ran this relationship like a fucking court
you treated me just like an electric lamp
off and on with a flick and you dont give a dam
nothing i ever did seemed to please you and
i was always there before any of your friends

well its too late, you cant go back on your words
cant fight fate, everything has been absurd 
there's no escape, you can find your things on the curb
i'll find a new mate, to put lipstick on my shirt


window shopping.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Brown Bags and A Broad

I chose brown paper bags and tape, to cover the face, hands and feet to take a away the girl's identity.
Basically symbolizing in modern culture, my take on how men really don't care about a girl's personality or anything that defines them, when they are on the hunt for sexual intercourse. Which you find, in most bars, clubs and venues during the nightlife. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

the darkness

i need the darkness
and the darkness needs me
when the light comes
i am set free
seclusion has brought my brain
to sane again
i have been known
to grow
with the mountains
and go with the flow
of rivers and fountains
with no sense of closure
my sane brain
keeps running in circles
endless thoughts and trails
i will follow
as all else fails
every cigarette 
adds to my box of nails
i surface to keep my mind at rise
i feel like a suburban clock
keeping time
i stare at all the stars
and then open my eyes
then realize
they are all cars
to bending the truth
knowing its not to far
drowning it all out
drink after drink
at the bar.


drive my nails

as i drive my nails
into her nautical boards
emotions rise, crashing in like waves
by the hordes
i need more of a sign
than, she's on my beach
waiting at the shore
sometimes i see it
even though, its behind closed doors
like migrating birds
i come back for more
sailing her seas at night
not knowing what's in store
so before you board
yourself in
let me in
like second thoughts
i want to see from your eyes
from the faintest cries
to the darkest lies
my vessel is moored at your dock
never set to sail
my helm is steady on lock
starring down your barrels
with the hammers cocked
no wind in my sails
as you keep it blocked
so before you board
yourself in
let me in
i've tried to dry 
your eyes
but all this rope does
is ties.


in the corner

i was sitting the corner
not like i used too
this time was different
this time, i choose to
i cross my fingers
and hold the lamp
walking this endless trail
i hope this isnt a trap
further down, i see you
hiding behind that mask
we both pause
with several questions
i would ask
with none you answer
i knew it wouldn't last
left with just the taste
and an unexpressed vacant face
i flee the scene
which now has turned into a dream
eyes are open
with a silent scream
now i need a plan
to escape this baron land
just moving by hand
across this paper
no one will understand

*bring me riches
bring me jewels
bring me the dreams
of discouraged fools

when will you stop
and see what you have done
your words are bullets
and your mouth is a gun
never thinking
or looking back
oblivious to your own attack
i am not your friend
you are to heavy on the burden
by tomorrow morning
you'll be a different person
dragging more behind you
thats for certain.


feet tied

i keep my feet tied
so i dont run in circles
eyes are ahead
steering clear of the circus
eliminate the noise thats in my head
leaving out all the dreams 
that are dead
i come back to finding you
holding on for so long
with no truth
i'm better off in the darkest seas
where life and light
are out of reach
i been wating for so long
that time has passed
and its all wrong
i need to find my center
through a release
hopes of you are to far
for reach in the deep
every breath across my chest
has me in your depths
until we find you
we wont rest
i've been known
to move across the mountains
blending in like water in a fountain
why has this become
so unglued
with no clue
you are leaving and
tying your shoe
walking down this empty hallway
messages on the phone
i will replay.


Monday, September 12, 2011


Teeth are amazing and very taken for granted. No teeth are the same, but resemble the same structure, pattern, size and shape. Configured in your mouth, making a detail of you, thats uniquely, you. Love em, clean em and use em!